Dating Your Daughter: How to Strengthen Your Mother-Daughter Relationship

Studies show that once your children become teenagers, their friends become their confidants and their mentors. Therefore it is very important to strengthen your mother-daughter relationship by establish good communication and trust before they become teenagers. That is why weekly or monthly mother-daughter dates with your tween are so essential.

Get To Know Your Tween

One way to strengthen your mother-daughter relationship is to get to know your tween. Even though, you may think that you know your daughter pretty well, yet kids interests and friends change so often that there is always something new on the horizon. That is why, it may be a good idea to have an activity where or perhaps ask your tween to make a list of 10 things that she is most interested in and that bring her joy.

Come Up With Date Ideas SHE Will Enjoy

Once her list is completed, it is time to come up with some creative dates. Both of you can sit down together, grab 10 strips of paper, and write down 10 things you would like to do together based on the things she enjoys.

Once this step is completed you can read each date idea out loud to make sure that you don’t have the same thing written twice and that she likes all the ideas. You then fold the papers and put them into a jar.

Schedule Weekly or Monthly Dates

The more often you connect with your daughter, the easier it will be to strengthen you mother-daughter relationship. But the reality is, not all of us have time to go on weekly ‘dates’ with our children. So decide on what works best for you.

You could decide on doing something special together every Wednesday. Or perhaps making time for this special outing every second Tuesday of the month would work better for you.

To make your date night obvious and special, give your tween some markers and get them to write ‘Mommy & Me Date Night’ on the family calendar so that both of you have a visual reminder that your date is coming up soon.

Planned vs Surprise Date

Then, only one question remains: should you pick out the strips with your dates at that moment and write down on the calendar where you are going for the next few dates, or should you leave the papers in the jar and pick one out on the day of your date?

You can decided to do both. You can pick out a few pieces of paper and write out what you are going to do on every second date. Then, under the remaining days you can write down SURPRISE DATE. For those days you can pick out the strip from the jar on the day of your date.

mother-daughter relationship
mother-daughter relationship

Date Ideas to Strengthen Your Mother-Daughter Relationship

Your daughter may enjoy reading, drawing, painting, manga, Nintendo video games, crafts of all sorts and many other things. I bet you will be able to come up with a ton of ideas to strengthen your mother-daughter relationship.

But to get you started, here are some of the ideas my daughter enjoyed.

1. Going to paint pottery at the ceramic shop. (I got a great two-for-one coupon on Groupon for this one)

2. Grabbing a hot chocolate at Starbucks attached to our local bookstore and going in to find our new favorite book, and of course, picking it up for our summer reading.

3. Going to a local coffee shop with WiFi and learning more about some of her favorite YouTube channels and Podcasts

4. Taking a cupcake decorating class at our local Michael’s. This also involves making two dozens of cupcakes, which we can do together as well.

5. Going to a local art museum together.

6. Going for ice cream tasting at one of our favorite ice cream shops.

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7. Spending an evening at our local library.

8. Taking a drawing class together.

9. Window shopping at our favorite craft store.

10. Going for a walk at our local marina, watching the yachts coming in for the night and chatting.

11. Pastry shop hopping. Going to at least three pastry shops in the area, picking up a treat in each and coming home to share them with other family members.

12. Visiting a used book bookstore.

What About You?

Do you have a tween in your home? What do you do to build trust, to keep open communication and to strengthen your mother-daughter relationship? Share your ideas in comments below.

MOTHER-daughter relationship

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34 thoughts on “Dating Your Daughter: How to Strengthen Your Mother-Daughter Relationship”

  1. I love this post. Great ideas of things to do with your daughter. I think I will borrow some of your ideas and add them to the list of things to do with my daughter. I do this with my son as well. One of my favorite things I did with my son was to go on a weekend camping trip with him. It is going to be a new yearly tradition with him! My daughter loves the theater so we like to go to shows! Hopefully we will get to do that again soon!

  2. With being stuck at home, my daughter and I did a Sense and Sensibility date last Saturday, kicking the boys out of the family room.

    • That’s awesome! We do the same things – boys get the basement girls get the first floor 🙂 I haven’t seen Sense and Sensibility yet – thanks for the suggestion!

  3. Great ideas on how you date your daughter. I so agree with this one. Creating a strong bond with our children before they come Tweens is important. Having a one on one date with our kids create a life long bond and it makes us more closer to them and know them better.


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